
Friday, February 1, 2013

Katie Boyle; Back Tattoo

Every time I work with a client there is an element of trust involved. Trust that goes beyond the basic quality of the work and into the intent of the portrait. We meet, we communicate, we collaborate. I ask questions. Some of them are pretty personal and in any other context could easily be seen as inappropriate (as in not appropriate for that social context). What comes out of all this is more than just a picture, but an image that goes a little deeper.

That is exactly what happened in the case of Katie Boyle. She had just complete the coloring of her back piece courtesy of Todd "Soup" Matayas at Birch Ave Tattoo and wanted to get some portraits that highlighted her new ink. Having seen some images of the basic outline and the piece when it was just completed, I was unprepared for the vibrance of Todd's work when seen on this scale.

The piece lends itself to some natural composition ideas and.....I should stop boring you now and get to the images. 

Katie, thanks for collaborating with me. You bring a remarkable energy with you wherever you go. I look forward to working with you in the future.

Ciao Bella,
