
Friday, September 28, 2012

Feel a calling....

As I've been re visiting the role that Tao plays in my life (and specifically my creative life), I've fely inspired to start some kind of series here.

Stay tuned. Be present. Judge yourself only against the artist you were yesterday,

Caio, Bella,


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Testing and Evaluation

I've never been happy with my 55-200 lens.

I bought it reconditioned but it's essentially one step up from a kit lens. Having said that, kit lenses can produce awesome results. I feel like I haven't put this one through the grinder to really find out what it can do.

Today's Image Stats. Nikon D90, 55-200 VR ED lens at 190m , Aperture priority (+.7 ex comp) f 5.6 ISO 400 1.2500 sec

Push the limits of my gear.

Ciao Bella,


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A remarkable link.....maybe two or three.

I believe that to develop kick ass skills, I need to surround my self with people who have kick ass skills.

Today, I'll hook you up with three of them that I access virtually. In the next week or so I'll highlight a couple of people locally that have been very accessible with their work.

First up: Jennifer Brindley (Ubl)

Some of what she says in this post may be hard to hear. Take what you need, leave the rest and by the way, have a look at her work. She knows of what she speaks.

Then you get Zack Arias:

I'll let you introduce yourself to Zack as you explore his site (s). Here's an excerpt cut and pasted from the website:

Anonymous asked:
I've graduated from college with an associates in professional photography (I was ranked top for my class made dean's list). I also worked at Sears Portrait where I made top 3% sales and everyone loved me (now out of business). I've placed ads in the paper and online and Craigslist for my business, but no one ever contacts me. I hand out business cards and everything. I have a portfolio that everyone praises too. I was even in Vogue once. What am I doing wrong?

You sound exactly like me about 12 years ago. Associate degree. Top of class. Got published. Worked a low end photo job. Built a web site. Made business cards. Sent some mailers. Phone didn’t ring.
A) Maybe you’re aiming too low.
B) You’re probably aiming too low.
C) You don’t know who your client is.
Ads online, in papers, and on CL are what I call passive marketing. You’re driving past a field and throwing seeds out the window hoping things will grow. You may pick up a few jobs here and there. Many times you advertise to just reinforce your brand in your area. Meaning, you want people to see your name in as many places as possible.
“How’d you hear about me?”
“Oh. I don’t know. I just keep seeing your name around town.”
Here’s my question to your question. Who is your client? Families? Brides? Agencies? Magazines? If anyone and everyone is your client you’re going to have a hard time marketing to everyone. Marketing takes a long time. You have to be persistent and patient. You send out a mailer expecting no one to call. You send out your second mailer expecting the same thing. You’d love a call when you mail the third time but don’t expect it. You’re hoping that after a year of mailers you might start to get some work from those. When the work starts to come in don’t stop mailing. Same goes for meetings. Calls. Etc.
Narrow your focus. Aim higher. Meet more people. Build relationships. Be patient. Keep hustling.
No one will hand you a career. No one will do it for you. There’s no time to sit around staring at your phone waiting for it to ring. Make someone else’s phone ring and talk to them. Set up a meeting. Go.

Good stuff in there. I keep it on my desktop.

Finally, David DuChemin:

Look at his work but, get a copy of "Visionmongers". This book will either commit you fully to a life and living in photography or leave you comfortable puttering around in your off time. Regardless, you will have made that choice in a manner that protects your personal integrity.

My next project?

A marketing proposal to create a synergistic relationship with a local Bridal Boutique and Salon.

More to come,

Ciao Bella,


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

...or was it just lame?

It's a rhetorical question really.

If I get slapped by my muse and have to create an image, I create it. Other wise my muse gets very whiny.

Then, if I through it out there - what if no one gets it?

In photography, we walk a fine line as people of art and of craft. A craftsman makes a thing, puts it on the shelf and sells it or uses it or whatever.

An artist makes a thing reluctantly puts it out there, sweats over it, worries about it, cries a little over it and generally has a hard time letting go of it.

And then after all of that, what if no one gets it? Did it suck or was it just lame? Do I even need the validation of my work by someone else to find validity in it for my self.

Hey, I've done my part the rest is up to you.

Ciao Bella,


Monday, September 24, 2012

I must be doing it right.....

Hey I take care of my gear. Sometimes, shit happens.

Shen I'm shooting I put my self and my gear in position to create an image (remember the 85 mm lens that wen swimming with me in Zion?).

Saturday, Gravity happened. I had cleverly created a flying softbox on the ceiling of Studio 204. When it came time to strike the set, the speedlight struck the ground.

Closer inspection reveals that like one or two of my body parts, this speedlight retains full functionality, looses a bit of mobility and still goes POP when I need it to.

I must be doing it right.

Ciao Bella,


Friday, September 21, 2012

Mindfulness in action...

I've been recently reminded of the value of mindfulness in my daily life.

 A conscious awareness of what I am doing right NOW keeps me on a much more stable path than being in a state of constant reaction as things happen to me.

The same principle is useful when I'm behind my camera and as I develop my life and living in photography.

When I stay mindful of the moment, of THIS moment,  Images and opportunities present themselves with graceful ease.

Be. Here. Now.

Ciao Bella,


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Don't think about it

Just do it. Now.

Appointment booked with Bridal Boutique for Friday.

No though required, just action.

Ciao Bella.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Kyle Marsden, you will be missed.

 It was a perfect night night.Andy and JacQue were open an Bergeret's. I was shooting the photo booth. Lot's of people came up from the valley to offer their support. Kyle was among them.

I can't tell tell you the kinds of things they went through growing up. I'm sure the went trough their share. I can share with you what I saw that night: Andy was incredibly proud to introduce me to his brother and it was easy to see kyle beaming about Andy's work.

Part of what I believe happens when we die is that we get to back to our most perfect and pure states as spirits or souls if you like. I also believe that, in a sense, we're carried along by outpouring of emotion from those we've left behind. All of those tears shed for Kyle will serve a purpose.

 The loss of a loved one takes time to heal. There are many tears and there's a long process of grief ahead. I can't offer my friends peace and complete solace at their loss. I can offer memories of a perfect night.

Godspeed Kyle, travel safe. Andy, JacQue and friends of Kyle, I wish you peace.

Ciao Bella,


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Figure Study 2 / Single pose

I decided I wanted to change it up a little bit when I shot with Subject 2. I feathered the edge of the light across her body. The intent was to soften the shadows and even out the contrast.

Fearless models make art possible.

More from this shoot at a latter time for now a bit more...BodyScapes.


That's all for now,

Ciao Bella,


Monday, September 17, 2012

Figure study 1/single pose

I love it when a plan comes together.

I've wanted to start a series of figure studies for some time. I can't say exactly why this seemed like the right time, I don't know. Suffice it to say, I've had an image in mind for quite some time and it was time to execute it. That image is leading to other images, ideas and concepts.

Working in Studio 204 consistently for a few months has been invaluable. That room has it's strengths and weaknesses and it's a lot of fun playing them off of each other. After all, every photograph is really a solution to a lighting challenge, isn't it?

And so this will truly be the first in a series. I'll be executing the same pose with different subjects, lighting and other variations. I'll be using this lighting scheme with other poses etc.

Working with subjects on this level has been a remarkable facet of this experience. I'm not using paid models and not everyone I've invited to participate has been into it. I've had to take no for an answer more than once. I've also had to create a comfortable experience for those who have graced me with their participation. Without their help, there are no images.

My subjects have truly blessed me and I offer thanks.

It's a new page in my creative experience and it feels like a hallway of doors is opening in front of me.

More to follow,

Ciao Bella

Friday, September 14, 2012

Random cat. Post production under way.

I've got to quit posting my work when I'm too excited a bout the concept to finish it.

In the meantime, here's Freddy Underfoot. He'll keep you company. Just don't believe it when he wants you to rub his belleh.

Ciao Bella,


Thursday, September 13, 2012

More from the Tao.......

Balance. Symmetry. Complimentary.

Giving strengths. Taking weaknesses.

I've started a basic series of figure studies and I'm finding complexities that I never thought of. I'm also going to be a bit slow to publish these. That in opposition to my usual rush to put something out there.

A friend referred to me yesterday as having balance in my life creative. I'm paraphrasing. Clearly, we're going to chat about the tension in my life creative.

Suddenly though, I feel a bit like Steve Zissou.

Ciao Bella,


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Flagstaff Creative Head Shots, Subject: Jason Heath, Independant Filmsmith

Met this guy at Artwalk a few months back. It seems we have a number of mutual friends, an oddly skewed outlook and he needed some head shots.

What do you want to do? He explained.

I can do that.

We did that.

Nice to collaborate with you Jason! There shall be more!

Ciao Bella,


Friday, September 7, 2012

It was a classic image,

Just waiting to happen. As I looked out of the window I saw her. Perfectly dressed, expectantly checking the time--on her cell phone. Someone was late and she wasn't mad.

I prepared my iPhone so that I wouldn't keep her waiting and stepped across the street.

She said yes and I made one photograph.

Moments later the image was gone, replaced by a loving reunion.

Yasmine, thank you for sharing your lovely moment with me.

Ciao Bella,


Thursday, September 6, 2012

You want the Cute?!?!?

You can't handle the cute!

What do you know? We took Charlie Boor out to the park and he had a great time.

Made my job easy!

Ciao Bella,


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First cuts....

Editing after a shoot involves a selection process that changes a little bit all the time.

The only thing harder than making the first cut is making the second cut. Followed by the final cut.

The only thing harder than that is making adjustments so that the information I captured with the camera becomes the image I saw in my mind.

Oh yeah then I have to let go of the photographs because ultimately, they're yours.........

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Another blog you should know about.....

Unless you're like my ex wife. She's just not into photography.

Q&A With Zack Arias goes to some interesting places and is never, ever boring.

I'm kind of introspective today but I thought I'd share this:

From Tom Ang's Tao of Photography:

"Tolerating Ambiguity
An important, but not obvious feature of creative people is their ability to tolerate-and even enjoy-ambiguity. They can accept that there is not necessarily a single 'correct' answer and can hold two quite contrasting views or scenarios at the same time. They know that clear answers are as rare as free lunches."

Even if I don't know the question, my answers often lie in between opposition.

Have a peaceful morning.

Ciao Bella,


Monday, September 3, 2012

Jason Heath

Film Makers. They see things.......differently.

Jason and I met at Studio 204's inaugural First Friday Artwalk and we've been planning headshots/portraits since.

I rarely get into editing with clients. In this case I made an exception. As I broke down the gear in the studio, Jason ran through the jpegs creating a first cut list. We'll compare notes here shortly.

For now, allow me to introduce, Film maker, Jason Heath.

Now I have to get after it.

Ciao Bella,
