
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Zion 2012. It's a tvC gig.

Any trip with the visual Collective (capitalization intentional) is most easily summed up by saying simply, "It's a tvC gig."

Some are workshop intensive. Some have been fueled by adult fermented beverages. Some have resulted in us being chased out of secret government facilities (let's not go into that here).

This years trip to Zion was no exception. I was in a pretty introspective place. I haven't liked much that I've done recently. My focus was on landscapes. Big ones. Intense ones. I needed to touch a little of my core.

Here's my first three images:

 Above is "Backdoor." As in, "This is what was right out of the backdoor of our campsite."
I processed the same raw image twice. once for the sky, then for the landscape. When I combined them I decided to put the sky as the top layer and reveal the landscape underneath. That was then converted to B/W in Silver Fx 2 from Nik software.

 This one is called, Complete Immersion. As in, my 85 mm f1.8 lens is now completely immersed in a bowl of rice because it went swimming to get this shot. 50 mm lens, ISO 100, 1/8th 0r 1/3rd at f22, Slight dodging, burning and sharpening in Photoshop.
And finally "Virgin River Pano". This is a 6 image panoramic combined in HUGIN. It's free. It works. You should get this. The composition was bugging me so I cropped it to a square. Some levels, contrast and sharpening. That's it.

Zion is a remarkable place. More-so because of great company and minimal contact with law enforcement personnel.

I had to get these out there for now. I'm sure there are more to follow. As for now, I has a tired.

Ciao Bella,


1 comment:

  1. Nice! If you've got a decent sky to drop in to the Virgin River Pano, I would give that a shot. A dynamic sky might really put that image in another dimension.
