
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Introspection or procrastination? Maybe tomorrow.

The self portrait assignment continues.

I mentioned yesterday that as I've looked at the work of local photographer Janelle Cordova I've seen how she seems to put herself in the position of subject and photographer all at the same time. In addition she shoots a lot. Alot alot.

Then there's the Andy Warhol/Les Stroud approach (Holy dichotomies!).  To wit: put my self in the frame and do stuff.

These approaches are helping me define this assignment (which is more than just creating a technically correct, well lit, evocative blah, blah, blah image of my self).

Matt and I did not define the number of photos in the assignment so, I'm giving my self a number of 5-10. With those 5-10 images I want to create a body of photos that reveal a more layered "portrait" of me. I want to say more than I could with a nice picture that's well lit. This is going to require a measure of self exposure that I'm not entirely comfortable with. And, that's OK. That's part of what I ask of my subjects and people who pose for me.

So, I'll be shooting a lot, looking for light and elements that work with me and grappling with elements that say something about me that someone else gets to decipher.

Side note: As self centered as I am, you'd think this would be easier. Prolly because I'm more self protective than self centered, really.

I'm also looking at questions: what drives a self portraitist? How do they find themselves moving in that direction? Is it a direction ormore of a facet of their expression?

Ooo wait, I've got an idea!

Ciao Bella,


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