
Monday, November 19, 2012

It's always a group effort.


OK. So. I had another super productive shoot with Quincy. Every time I shoot with someone, I learn. And for some reason I learn more than if I were just shooting alone. Apparently, my creativity lives not in a vacuum.

We worked on my figure study (not for general release, though it will be an incredibly useful reference too in the future) and then went into a little glamor. 

The simple fact is this: there a nearly audible 'POP' when Quincy engages with the camera. I swear. I've heard it. Beyond that we have some mutual friends and run in some of the same social circles. That means that I can trust her. She has a sense for when I'm starting to rush and feel backed up by the clock. She knows me well enough to tell me to slow down. I know her well enough to trust her. See, each experience is different.

This image is a 2-light, one reflector setup. Main light above and to the right, rim/hair light behind and reflector to the left. Essentially I shot for what I wanted to see here. The defining moment of indecision. Is the shirt opening or closing? Last week some friends and I followed a thread regarding the importance of light, purpose, composition and the defining moment. I've put all of that conversation into this image.

I also blame my friend Matt Beaty 

for not letting up on the selection/editing process. Edit tighter, damn it!

When I went to edit I had a huge number of choices. I sifted and sorted with one thought in mind: "Pick the best, the one that totally encapsulates the thought." 

Nailed it.

Creativity. It thrives in the presence of others.

Ciao Bella,


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